Spring 2025 League Information
Players must have turned 3 on or before September 1, 2024.
For participants in Kindergarten - High School, please register in the grade your child is
currently enrolled (2024 - 2025 school year)
*Important season dates (all dates tentative)
Registration December 18th – January 31st
Coaches notified & background checks completed no later than February 7th
Player Evaluations (Grades 3rd - 6th) February 8th Location: Madison Health Plex - 501 Baptist Drive Madison, MS (corner of Hwy 463 & Highland
Colony Parkway)
Players need to wear shorts & t shirt, tennis shoes (no cleats), bring a baseball bat & glove.
3rd grade - Check in between 12:00pm - 12:15pm Evaluations 12:30pm - 1:30pm
5th/6th grade - Check in between 1:15pm - 1:45pm Evaluations 1:45pm - 3:00pm
4th grade - Check in between 2:45pm - 3:00pm Evaluations 3:15pm - 4:00pm
Coach’s meeting/Drafts (Time TBD)
3 years old Tuesday, February 18th (Madison Parks & Recreation Office)
4 years old Tuesday, February 18th (Madison Parks & Recreation Office)
Kindergarten Tuesday, February 18th (Madison Parks & Recreation Office)
1st Grade Tuesday, February 18th (Madison Parks & Recreation Office)
2nd Grade Tuesday, February 18th (Madison Parks & Recreation Office)
3rd Grade Kid Pitch Tuesday, February 11th (Madison Parks & Recreation Office)
3rd Grade Pitching Machine Tuesday, February 11th (Madison Parks & Recreation Office)
4th Grade Tuesday, February 11th (Madison Parks & Recreation Office)
5th & 6th Grade Tuesday, February 11th (Madison Parks & Recreation Office)
7th & 8th grade Tuesday, February 11th (Madison Parks & Recreation Office)
High School Tuesday, February 11th (Madison Parks & Recreation Office)
Practice begins week of February 16th
Games begin week of March 16th
Season ends by Memorial Day
*What are the fees to participate in MRYouth Baseball – Spring 2025
$135 if registered by January 31st. Fee increases to $185 (February 1st – February 28th provided spots are available)
*Our family does not live in Madison County, can my child participant in your league?
Yes, however there is a $50 non-Madison County resident fee
*Where are the games and practices held?
All games & practices are held around Madison County. The league will provide specific locations for teams to use - however, should a coach have
property available that they wish to use the team will be covered under the league’s insurance
*Where do teams practice/ games?
3 years old – Liberty Park
4 years old – Liberty Park
Kindergarten – Hite Wolcott
1st & 2nd grade – Hite Wolcott
3rd & 4th grade – Liberty Park
5th & 6th grade – Liberty Park
7th & 8th grade – Hite Wolcott
High School – Freedom Ridge
*Can I request a specific coach or teammate for my child?
Unfortunately, we league will not honor for any special request, with the exception of the Head coach & assistant coach (es). All ages are able to have a head and 2 assistant coaches paired together
*How are teams formed?
Ages 3 – 2nd grade will be formed via a blind draw at the coach’s meeting
Grades 3rd – High School will be formed via a draft following evaluations
*Are the league rules available?
Yes, please visit our website - www.mryouthbaseball.com (click on rules/forms)
*What “type” of baseball will my child’s league play
Age 3 - TBall
Age 4 - combination TBall & Baseball
Players will be given 3 opportunities to hit a coach pitch ball, if ball is not hit, ball placed on a tee
Kindergarten - 2 games (same as 4 years old) 4 games (coach pitch)
1st/2nd Grade - Coach Pitch
3rd Grade Machine Pitch Division - Pitching Machine
3rd Grade – High School - Player pitch
*What equipment will my child need?
The registration fee will cover:
3 yrs old, 4 yrs old – hat, jersey, socks
Kindergarten – High School – hat, jersey, belts, socks
You will need to provide your child with a pair of grey baseball pants, cleats/tennis shoes, glove, & batting helmet.
*Can I try a uniform on my child prior to the end of registration?
Yes, you are welcome to go by JS Iupes (100 Village Blvd Madison --- across from Natchez Trace Cemetery) If you need to change from the size that ordered during registration – you will need to email [email protected] prior to the end of registration.
*I received my child's uniform and it is not the correct size?
Should your child's uniform not be the proper size, please contact [email protected] If it is determined you received the size you indicated on
the registration form, and you should wish to receive a different size; you will be responsible for the cost. However, if MRYouth Baseball ordered
the incorrect size, we will re-order the correct size at no expense to you.
*Does the league provide any type of awards?
3 yrs olds & 4 yrs old – league will provide each player a trophy at the end of the season
Kindergarten – High School – league will provide the tournament champions & runner up with a medal.
*How can I have a specific question answered?
Please email our administrative assistant, Peggi Rafferty ---- [email protected] or in case of an emergency please call Peggi @ 601-331-1575